Surgical Lip lifts

How can I make my lips look bigger ? How can I make my lips turn out/ evert ? Can I make the skin above my lip shorter ?

It is important to understand that there are non -surgical and surgical techniques that can be used in and around the lips. It is important for Dr Wetton to know exactly what you desire, so that she can come up with a tailored plan specifically for you. You may not know this at the outset, you may just feel like you would like ‘something’, and that is why the first step is to have a detailed consultation so that Dr Wetton can discuss your options once she has seen your facial anatomy.

In regards to the non-surgical options, you may wish to discuss volumising wrinkle reduction treatments to the lips, or a lip-flip, that can be achieved with non-volumsing wrinkle reduction injections, or you may wish to have a chemical peel to soften smokers lines around the mouth.

There are surgical options however, which include a bullhorn lip lift and corner lip lifts.

Why consider a surgical Lip Lift ?

A lip lift is often considered by people who have a long distance from the base of the nostrils to the vermillion (red part of your lip). This skin can lengthen in age, or it can be long as a result of genetics. You may be someone who has a very thin upper lip and you have already had lip injections, or you do not wish to have more lip injections, but would still appreciate it if the red part of your upper lip was bigger, or turned out a little more. Generally a lip lift is for patients who want to shorten the upper portion of the lip and add volume, so the lips looks fuller.

How is the procedure performed ?

There are a few different types of surgical lip lifts. One common lip lift is the bull-horn lift or sub-nasal lip lift. This procedure is used to shorten the vertical height of your philtrum, the area from under your nose to your upper lip. It involves a small amount of skin removed just under your nostrils in the shape of a bull’s horn.This procedure in effect addresses two issues, not only does it shorten the philtral columns, it also everts the upper lip, meaning it can turn the red part of the upper lip out, resulting in more of the inside of the lip exposed to the outside and so the lip will look fuller.

What is a Corner Lip Lift?

A corner lip lift can also be performed to turn the corners of the mouth out and create more of a purse to the lips. This procedure involves removing very small triangles of skin above each corner of the mouth.

To surgically address the nasolabial folds it is possible to correct these during a lip lift, where the skin under the nasolabial folds is detached and re- attached and the haemostat net is applied. This technique smooths out the nasolabial folds to an extent.

Often a surgical lip lift can be accompanied by medical treatments to enhance the lip even more, for example by adding some volume to the vermillion with some non-surgical volumising injections, or by using a small amount of non-volumising injections to create a lip flip and evert the upper lip even more.

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How long will the results last ?

In most cases, patients will only need one lip lift. As mentioned previously though, ageing will continue to occur, and there may come a time when you would consider a second lip lift many years down the track.


Recovery from a lip surgery will nearly always result in some bruising and swelling. Your lip my feel and appear thick or ‘jut out’. This is normal and as the days and weeks go by, the swelling of your lips will slowly subside. You may also have some temporary numbness and some discomfort, but again these are normal sequelae of the operation.

The more you stretch and move your mouth, the more the sutures are pulled, meaning tension is exerted on your healing scar, therefore the less movement of the area which is trying to heal, the better. Of course this is difficult to completely avoid, because you chew and talk, however, try to minimise big movements as much as possible, as the quality of the final scar will be influenced by this factor. It is best not to scream and shout or open your mouth wide or be too animated until the scar has completely healed.

It is very difficult to keep bandages or tape on this area, so instead you will see the small sutures that are tightly holding the incision together. Dr Wetton will prescribe you an antibiotic ointment, which will help to keep your incision free from bacteria or contamination.

After 1 week

During the first week your sutures will be removed, however it is still important not to make big movements with your mouth, even after your stitches come out. At this point, your scar will still be pink, and you may be concerned about how the scar will eventually turn out.


  • Removing too much lip
  • Not removing enough lip
  • Asymmetry
  • Bleeding
  • Poor wound healing
  • Infection
  • Suture cyst formation
  • Altered sensation
  • Poor scar

How much will my lip lift cost ?

A lip lift will cost $4,000- $6000 depending on the type of lip lift desired and individual factors that need to be taken into consideration. This procedure is based on your anatomy, and so the procedure will be designed specifically for you.

This fee does not include the Hospital or the Anaesthetic Fee.

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