Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Breast Lift/Mastopexy

Why consider a breast lift/mastopexy ?

If you have breastfed, if you have been pregnant, if you have gained or lost weight, the shape of your breasts may have changed over time. The skin may have stretched out and your breasts may sit lower down on your chest then you would ideally like them to sit. Sometimes the nipple placement descends relative to the under-breast crease, the medical term for this is ptosis. There are several reasons for this ptosis, from weight fluctuation to pregnancy as well as just time and gravity. As we age, there is a decrease of collagen in the skin and the skin begins to thin, which can also be a contributing factor. Similarly, the position of your nipples may have changed and they may be pointing downwards, instead of straight ahead like you remember them being in years gone by.

In some instances you may have lost some breast volume, which you would like replaced. Sometimes this can be achieved by re-distributing the tissues that are already there, but sometimes the volume replacement is performed by placing a breast implant, or fat into the breast.

How is the procedure performed ?

A breast lift is a complex procedure, because you need to think of all the different elements of the breast separately. For example the nipple, the breast skin and the breast parenchyma, or tissues. These three elements that make up the breast need to be altered individually, but together they need to come together to make up an aesthetically pleasing breast. The nipple is essentially moved to a higher location on the breast mound, breast skin needs to be removed and re-shaped and the breast tissue needs to be re-shaped, tucked in and moved to a higher location on the chest. All of this in one procedure is no easy feat, but this procedure is extremely satisfying and Dr Wetton enjoys partnering patients on a breast lift journey.

Decisions for your surgical plan centre around the amount of skin that needs to be removed , the amount of lift required, as well as the desired look that you are ultimately after.

There are many styles or skin pattern excisions and they all have different names, such as the Benelli lift, the Lollipop lift or the Wise pattern breast lift. Dr Wetton will discuss these with you during your consultation, explain the options and make recommendations to enable you to make an informed decision.

What about breast lift with implants/augmentation mastopexy ?

A breast lift with implants or an augmentation mastopexy is a popular procedure, and is often grouped with other procedures that are popular post- pregnancy, such as an abdominoplasty. Mothers who have been pregnant and who have breast fed, may have less volume in the breasts and their breasts may sit lower on the chest after pregnancy and breastfeeding and so they may wish to address both issues in one procedure. A breast implant enables us to replace lost volume and the surgical mastopexy enables us to change the shape and position of the breast and nipple.

This procedure is technically challenging and can be done in one procedure, or in two stages. If it is performed in two stages, the breast lift is usually done first, followed by placement of implants at a later date. If the procedure is done in a single stage, placing the breast implants into the breast pocket is performed and then the skin is tightened and reshaped over the breast implants. It is important to understand that augmentation mastopexy in one stage is complex, because opposing forces are at play. That is, with the breast implant we are filling and expanding, while with the mastopexy we are lifting and tightening. It is prudent to expect some settling down time of the tissues in the months following this procedure.

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The recovery from a breast lift may take longer than the recovery from a breast augmentation with implants, because there are more scars that need to heal and the tissues have undergone considerable movement and have been manipulated. For this reason, you should expect the shape of your breasts to alter as they are healing.

After one week

Usually patients are back to work in about one to two weeks, but this time frame varies considerably from patient to patient and also depends on the type of work that you do.It is imperative that you look after yourself well over the healing period and that you do not have any exposure to nicotine products, because this can seriously affect the outcome of your surgery. Over time, the incisions will flatten and start to change from red to a pale pink and finally white.

How long does it last ?

If you are having a mastopexy, you should expect that your breasts will retain their shape and position for a period of time, however, it is difficult to give a set length of time because the longevity of the results are dependant on a lot of factors. For example, your result may be affected by weight loss or gain, pregnancy, breastfeeding, not wearing a well fitting supportive bra, your general health and fitness and the kind of exercise that you do.


Complications of a mastopexy and an augmentation mastopexy include:

  • Infection
  • Haematoma (blood collection)
  • Seroma(fluid collection)
  • Poor wound healing
  • Poor scar
  • Asymmetry
  • All the known complications of a breast implant if you get an augmentation mastopexy eg
  • Capsular contracture, Double Bubble deformity, Bottoming out, BIA-ALCL, BII, malposition and rotation and damage to underlying structures eg nerves.
  • Nipple compromise/nipple death

How much will my surgery cost ?

Your surgery for a mastopexy or an augmentation mastopexy will be between $10,000 -$15,000 depending on your anatomy and what exactly is required.

This fee does not include the Hospital, Anaesthetic Fee or the cost of the implants.

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