Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Breast Augmentation Mammaplasty

What can you expect from

Breast Augmentation mammoplasty Surgery

Increase size

Lift the breasts

Correct symmetry

About Breast Augmentation

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Why consider Surgery to the breast ?

There are a myriad of breast-surgery procedures that address concerns of size, shape, position, nipple/areola placement and skin excess.

Breast surgery provides innumerable options and variables, which are often not well understood at first glance. Dr Wetton encourages you to take your time and delve into the research. Every question is a good question. Get a second opinion and take into account what may be right for your unique body shape, age and lifestyle.

Please do consider what is involved in the pre-surgery discovery and research phase, the decisions that will need to be made, the outcomes that you are anticipating, and the surgical procedure itself, as well as the recovery process. It is also important not to dismiss the possibility of a revision procedure in the future.

Take into account that you will change over the years, in both your preferences and in your body. Some factors to take into consideration are pregnancy, breast feeding, menopause, fitness, loss of weight and weight gain.

Dr Wetton believes in educating her patients as much as possible in all things Breast, so
your first appointment will be a comprehensive two hour consultation.
During the first hour, you will receive all the information you need to know about breast augmentation with implants and with fat grafting, as well as all the information on breast lifts and breast lifts with implants in a single surgery.

The aim in the first hour is for you to begin to understand what you may reasonably expect post-surgery, together with potential risks and possible complications involved in your chosen procedure.

During the second hour, we will discuss your goals, options and desired outcomes and how your current health and lifestyle can influence your recovery and ultimately enable you to have optimal outcomes. During this hour, Dr Wetton will examine you and take a series of breast measurements for you, both to help determine which procedure may be the best for you and also to assist in choosing the most appropriate breast implant for you, should you wish to have an augmentation with implants.

If you decide that implants are your choice of procedure, you will be able to try on a series of breast implants in a crop top. This will give you an idea of what your breasts and body shape may look like after your surgery and what can potentially be achieved for you.
Our patients do find this a much more enjoyable process, than a 3D scan. However, we do know that it is impossible to predict the ‘exact look’ that will be achieved after your surgery, because nothing can accurately be compared to placing an implant in your breast pocket under your skin.

As with any cosmetic surgery, and especially with breast surgery, it is important to find a doctor whom you like, who you can trust and who understands your desires and is eager to help you to make positive steps in order for you to achieve your aesthetic goals.

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What is a Breast augmentation Augmentation Mammaplasty (breast Implants ) ?

The aim of a breast augmentation is to increase the size and volume of your breasts in varying degrees.There are many options when it comes to shape, size, volume and projection.

While it is fine to look at pictures for inspiration, bear in mind that nobody has the same body, and breast anatomy varies from one person to another.

Your overall body frame and size, your weight, chest anatomy, breast shape and distance between your two breasts all give us clues as to which implant may be appropriate for you and thereafter we can discuss your choices.

What Breast Implant Size Should I get ?

The size of your implant is very important when it comes to choosing the appropriate implant for you, because this will be influenced by your lifestyle, the overall ‘look’ that you wish to achieve and your baseline anatomy.

Can I breastfeed after getting breast implants?

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What will my recovery be like after a breast augmentation with implants?

A primary breast augmentation is generally a day only procedure and the patient can go home the same day, Dr Wetton does not routinely use drains, however if a patient requires them then she may utilise them. Your breasts may feel sore, swollen, bruised, as well as the feeling of a heavy pressure on the chest. Although you may not experience a lot of discomfort you may feel very tired and sore when you move around.

After one week
The first week you should keep your dressings dry and wear a supportive bra day and night. You will have your painkillers and antibiotics for a week and you should not exert yourself. You should take one week off work.You can slowly get back to your normal exercise routine after about six weeks. In a revision procedure you may be less sore, or more sore depending on what was required to be performed in your procedure. These procedures are very unique to your issues, and so Dr Wetton will discuss your healing with you during your consultation. Dr Wetton will monitor your healing journey closely and see you at regular intervals.

What profile should I choose for my Breast Implants ?

Projection or Profile

Projection/profile: means the amount the implant will ‘stick out’. The options are, a more flat implant with a low projection (moderate profile) or a prominent projection (high profile).

Some patients already know what ‘look’ they are after and how much they want their breasts to stick out. However, the profile choice may also be partly determined by chest measurements and the amount of skin stretch or skin excess that you may have.

Asian Breasts and Asian Breast Augmentation mammoplasty

Dr Wetton has performed breast surgery on many Asian women and is well versed in the unique needs and special requirements of Asian breasts.

One of the key aspects in Asian breast augmentation is the incision.

In times gone by, Asian patients were often keen on having a trans- axillary breast augmentation, where the cut is in the armpit. However, with the introduction of the Keller funnel and more sophisticated scar protocols the transaxillary breast augmentation has gone out of favour, because the infra-mammary incision usually results in a superior aesthetic outcome and a smoother recovery. The transaxillary incision is associated with more post-operative pain and a higher risk of infection.

Another key factor in breast augmentation for Asian women, is the implant size and shape.

Dr Wetton understands that small-framed Asian ladies’ aesthetics are very different to those of caucasian or European women. In particular, the shape is often desired to be more of a tear drop look and the size is often desired to be modest. Often asian women are not aiming for a large cleavage that is visible in clothing, rather they wish to look feminine and have a slope of the bust which is flattered by delicate necklines and fine jewellery.

What are the risks or complications of having a breast augmentation mammaplasty?

Complications and risks associated with breast augmentation by Implant are not common, but are important to be aware of:

  • Capsular contracture (a firm scar tissue that forms around the breast implant)
  • Malposition (the implant moves, causing a distortion)
  • Rotation (the implant rotates)
  • Double Bubble (the breast implant does not sit perfectly in the breast mound, and there is a fold visible)
  • Bottoming out of the implant( the implant slides down)
  • Animation deformity (when your pectorals muscle contracts, so too does your implant)
  • Snoopy deformity/waterfall deformity ( our skin and breast tissue fall forward over the implant)
  • Breast Implant Associated Anapaestic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL discussed above)
  • Rippling (you can see the ripples or folds of the implant under your skin)
  • Haematoma (a blood collection in the breast pocket)
  • Seroma (a fluid collection in the breast pocket)
  • Damage to underlying structures such as nerves or lungs
  • Poor scarring
  • Infection
  • Implant rupture
  • Possibly Breast Implant illness of BII (although this condition is poorly understood and is not evidenced by scientific literature, there may be studies performed in the future, which will give us further information regarding this set of symptoms)

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get SMALL BREAST IMPLANTS? Also known as ‘Mini-breast Augmentation mammoplasty’

This may be an ideal option for someone who has a petite frame, or has never really had much volume in the breasts and would like to have a fuller look. This implant will provide more volume in the upper half of your chest and result in a more feminine form.

For some patients a conservative sized implant is one step on the journey to additional procedures down the track, to achieve more fullness as the soft tissue adjusts to having an implant in place.

Two step procedures also give patients the opportunity to get used to having more volume, and then they can gradually increase and adjust their implants over time, without the need for any dramatic changes along the way.

Should I get a MEDIUM SIZED OR LARGE IMPLANTS? /Large Augmentation mammoplast

The majority of patients in Australia desire a medium sized implant for their frame. This implant will enable them to have a fuller bust, but not look out of proportion. Most patients describe this look as ‘ Not fake’.

On the other hand, you may wish to look a lot fuller and more ‘busty’ you may wish to make a statement by having larger breasts and make them an eye catching feature. This is possible if you choose a large size implant.

Whatever your size preference is, Dr Wetton will consult with you to find a size that you are comfortable with and that can be accommodated by your body and your proportions.

What should I choose? Saline or Silicone ?

The Fill of the Implant

Your implant will have a silicone wall or capsule, inside the implant there is the choice of either silicone gel, or saline. Dr Wetton will guide you through the advantages and disadvantages of either option, with your safety, comfort and preferences her foremost priority.

An advantage of a saline breast-implant is that if it ruptures your body will just absorb the water and there is no possibility that silicone could enter the breast pocket. This is also a disadvantage however, because if your saline implant were to rupture, your entire implant would deflate in a matter of minutes. This may leave your breasts looking asymmetrical and you would need to have another surgery to replace the ruptured implant fairly soon.

If you wish to have silicone implants, we have available for use in Australia a new generation of implants, which are cohesive. This means that the silicone implant is less likely to rupture and even if it does, the contents do not disperse or leak out easily.

What shape of Implant should I choose?

Shape of the Implant

The two main shapes of implants are round or tear drop. A round implant will generally give you more upper pole fullness and more of a round shape to the breast, whilst a tear drop shape will give you more of a sloping upper pole and create more lower pole volume.

Your desired aesthetic shape may be a big part of your implant choice, however it is not the only consideration. Your anatomy and anatomical measurements will determine which shape will likely look better on you. No two chests or breasts are the same, so while a round implant may look aesthetically pleasing on your friend, your anatomy may be better suited to a tear drop implant.

Should I get smooth or textured implants?

Your implant could be either smooth-walled or micro-textured.

Micro-textured means that the capsule’s outer skin is rough, like ultra fine sandpaper. Tear drop implants are micro-textured, which helps them to adhere, or stick to the inside of your tissues. This is useful for tear drop implants, because it helps to prevent them from rotating. As you can imagine, if tear drop implants rotate, the shape of your breast would become distorted.

Round implants could be smooth walled or micro-textured.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both smooth and textured surfaces, however it is important to mention that micro-textured implants have been associated with a small risk of a disease process known as Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma(BIA-ALCL) . According to the Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as updated on 15th September 2023 “:The chance of getting this disease with micro-textured implants have an estimated risk of 1 in 18,000”. “In Australia there are no confirmed cases of BIA-ALCL with only smooth walled implants”.
If you were to get this disease, the most likely sign would be a fluid collection in your breast pocket years down the track. The treatment for this disease process is most commonly than not, a total removal of the implant and the scar tissue capsule around the implant. For this reason Dr Wetton recommends that all patients who have any kind of implant should get a yearly ultrasound and an MRI every 2 years.

Where should I choose to have the scar for by Breast Implants?

Incision Placement

Over the years, many different incisions have been used as an entry point to insert a breast implant. The most common type of incisions have been peri-umbilical (around the umbilicus), trans-axillary (through the armpit), peri-areolar (around the areolar of the nipple) and infra- mammary (under the breast crease). The first three mentioned entry points have been associated with poor scarring, more risk of adverse events, such as nerve damage and infections and a longer recovery time. Since safety and your smooth recovery are Dr Wetton’s primary focus, she prefers to use the infra- mammary incision to insert your breast implants. The incision is usually quite small, around 4-5cm, because Dr Wetton uses a Keller Funnel, which looks like a sterile icing bag (into which your implant slides) which enables her to make a reasonably small incision. Once your implant is inserted the incision is usually hidden and lies underneath your breast mound. For this reason too, aesthetically this is the incision of choice.

Where should my implant be placed? What is the Dual Plane?

Implant Placement and Plane of dissection

The plane describes where the implant is placed in your tissue layers. The implant can be placed either under the gland, which is the most superficial, or under the muscle fascia, which is the next layer below, or finally under the pectoralis major muscle itself. This third option, usually ends up being in the plane which is often described as ‘the dual plane’ because a little bit of the implant is visible peeping out from under the muscle.

Where the implant is placed, will depend on your preference, your lifestyle, your measurements and the overall ‘look’ that you are hoping to achieve. In your consultation with Dr Wetton you can have a detailed discussion about the placement of your implant and where your implant will sit in relation to your tissue planes and what your preference might be.

How is the procedure performed?

In order to place an implant into your breast pocket, Dr Wetton needs to make an incision in your skin, and then dissect carefully through the deeper layers, to create a pocket within your tissues to accomodate the implant.

How much will my surgery cost ?

Your surgery for a primary breast augmentation will be between $7,000 – $9,000 depending on your anatomy and what exactly is required.

This fee does not include the Hospital, Anaesthetic Fee or the cost of the implants.

Your surgery for a Revision Breast Augmentation is more of a complex surgery and often there are multiple aspects involved in this procedure.

Your Surgery will cost between $10,000 – $12,000.
This fee does not include the Hospital, anaesthetic Fee, or the cost of the breast implants.

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