Aesthetic Non-Surgical Treatments

Skin Resurfacing/Laser

Why consider laser resurfacing ?

Ablative laser resurfacing is a skin treatment that is often performed to address skin quality. It is used to treat fine lines, sun damage, pigmentation and rough skin. This treatment also helps to tighten the skin. Depending on the severity, skin resurfacing may not take away deep lines and deep acne scars, in other words, not every line will disappear after having this treatment.

What is laser resurfacing ?

Ablative lasers burn the outer layer of skin, these areas become scabs and then the tiny scabs or dry skin drop off and you are left with the new skin underneath.

What are the risks of ablative skin treatments

  • Protracted recovery process
  • Red skin
  • Infection
  • Scaring
  • Hyper or hypo pigmentation

How can I maintain the effects on my skin for the long term?

The most important factor to maintain skin health is sun protection. Make sure that you wear SPF 50 + and a hat to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays.

How much will my resurfacing treatment cost ?

Depending on what your skin is like and what result you are after, Dr Wetton will discuss your options with you. This will then determine the cost of your treatment.

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