Aesthetic Mens Surgery


Why consider a gynecomastia procedure ?

If you are a man and have recently noticed that you have developed larger breast glands, or if you have always had more breast tissue than you would like, it is reasonable to come for a consultation to discuss gynecomastia. In your consultation firstly lifestyle and medications are assessed and blood tests and investigations are ordered, to assess for any underlying causes of your gynecomastia.

What is Gynecomastia ?

In certain circumstances men develop prominent breast tissue, which may interfere with some aspect of daily life. Gynecomastia is a swelling of the breast tissue/gland. This can be due to a combination of actual glandular tissue, fat and excess skin. Gynecomastia may affect one or both breasts and is common during puberty, but sometimes develops in the later years. There are many causes of gynecomastia; including some medication, drugs- particularly anabolic steroid use, and some disease processes.

How is gynecomastia performed ?

It is important to address each individual aspect contributing to your chest features, in order for you to receive a pleasing aesthetic result. For example, there may be an excess of skin, fat, or firm glandular tissue. Dr Wetton will discuss this with you during your consultation and together you will make a plan to address your concerns.

Firstly, if there is a fat component involved, liposuction is performed to remove the excess fat. If the firm glandular tissue is also large, then the gland can be removed through a tiny incision just under the areola (pink part of the nipple). If there is excess skin, then this is also removed.


When you wake up in recovery, you should not be in too much pain, but you will experience a bit of discomfort. You will have the support garment on around your chest and there is a small drain that is usually inserted through the skin, which will be connected to a canister. The drains are a precaution, to collect any fluid which may accumulate after your surgery. The drain is usually removed after two or three days.

After one week

The stitches will be removed and you can shower, you will still have some swelling and you may be bruised. It is important that you take it easy and you will not be able to attend the gym or perform vigorous exercise for at least for 6-8 weeks. If you usually lift heavy weights, this should be discontinued after your surgery for 3 months.It is important to wear the compression/support garment to help with swelling.

How long will the results last ?

The results of your surgery should be long standing, provided that you do not take any offending drugs or medication, or you do not gain large amounts of weight. It is impossible to remove every single cell of breast tissue, so there is always a small possibility that you will have some re-growth of the breast tissue.

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  • There is a possibility that the breast tissue could eventually grow back, especially if you continue to take the offending medication or drug
  • Bleeding
  • Haematoma
  • Seroma (fluid collection under the skin)
  • Infection
  • Damage to underlying tissues
  • Protracted swelling
  • Poor scar

How much will my surgery cost ?

The cost for your surgery will vary according to what is required, it will range between $6,600- $8,800. For this reason it is recommended to book a consultation and receive a personalised quote.

The fees above do not include the Hospital or the Anaesthetic Fee.

For a personalised Quote, Please book your Consultation Here

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