
Sometimes it may be appropriate to perform a stand-alone neck lift, if it is mainly the neck skin, neck tissues or excess fat of the neck that are a concern. The excess fat can be removed and the SMAS and platysma are sutured to the deep, fixed structures, such as Lore’s fascia and the mastoid periosteum, which are attached to the bone. At times the anterior neck is also opened up through an incision just under the chin and the neck muscles are tightened through this incision.

Face and neck lift with liposuction

Liposuction can often accompany a face and neck lift and can assist in shaping the neck contours, improving the angle between the neck and the jaw and removing unwanted or irregular fatty deposits on the jawline and neck.

In all neck lift techniques that Dr Wetton performs, the deeper structures below the skin are lifted and secured to fixed points, the excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is re-draped and sutured carefully together, to place little to no tension on your incisions.

The result of your neck lift is not only determined by the specific surgical technique used, the outcome may also be hugely influenced by who is performing your neck lift, their preferences, techniques, skills and expertise.

Dr Wetton usually uses the haemostatic net in face and neck procedures. This technique assists in decreasing the chance of heamatoma or seroma (the temporary pooling of blood or fluids under the tissues) and it also helps the skin to form tiny fibrous attachments to the underlying tissues to aid in keeping the skin anchored to the deeper structures in its new elevated position.

How long will the results last ?

The results from your face and neck lift should last years, but exactly how many years your results from any facial procedure will last, depend on many factors, including the technique that you have chosen for your lift, your genetics and your lifestyle factors such as if you gain or lose weight, if you smoke, or if you spend time in the sun. Ageing is not a static process and you will continue to age over the years despite having a neck lift.


After one day you may be swollen, bruised and tender, you will feel like your face and neck are tight and you will have bandages around your face and neck so that your movements are slightly limited. You will be able to take pain killers and antibiotics that Dr Wetton will have prescribed for you.

After about day two, you should start to feel a great deal better, Dr Wetton will remove your haemostatic net and all the bandages and fit your neck garment. You will feel much freer to move around and the discomfort will start to ease. Dr Wetton will teach you how to look after your incisions and how best to approach the first week.

One week later

You should be feeling well and be getting back to your normal day to day life, apart from heavy lifting and strenuous exercise. You will usually be able to go back to work, out to dinner, and generally do what you normally do after the first week. During this week your sutures will be removed and you incisions will begin to heal, however they may remain pink for some months and gradually fade to a thin white line.

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  • Haematoma
  • Seroma
  • Poor wound healing
  • Skin compromise
  • Nerve damage
  • Damage to the parotid gland or duct
  • Damage to important blood vessels
  • Poor scar

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I expect when I wake up from having my surgery?

When you wake up after your surgery, you will be in the recovery room of the hospital. You will feel like you have woken up from a deep sleep.When you wake up, you may be a little sore, and you may feel the firmness around your face and neck from the garment or dressings.

What will my recovery be like?

Many patients are keen to have a facelift, but the thought of a long recovery process and many weeks off work is a deterring factor. If you have a facelift with Dr Wetton, this is not usually the case. You will experience discomfort and swelling for the first 48hrs, but it is not unusual for her patients to go out to dinner on day 3 or 4 and be back to work after about 5-7 days.

When will I be able to see the results of my necklift?

Initially you may be a bit swollen, but you may notice some positive results straight away. Your results should start to become obvious after about 1 week and evolve over the next 3 months.

How long will the results of my necklift last?

The results of your necklift depend on many factors, such as what kind of procedure you had, your general health, if you smoke and your age. The results of a necklift can last 8-10 years, but it is important to understand that ageing is not a static process and you will continue to age.

What are the risks associated with a face and neck lift?

Any surgical procedure carries with it some potential risks. Although Dr Wetton is fastidious in her approach to facelift surgery, it is still important to be aware of the potential risks, which include:

  • Slow or poor wound healing
  • Poor scars or keloid scars
  • Asymmetrical results
  • Blood clot under the skin (haematoma) or fluid under the skin (seroma)
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Facial skin compromise
  • Numbness or nerve damage
  • Damage to underlying structures
  • Persistent pain
  • Prolonged swelling
  • Deep vain thrombosis (clot in the leg veins) or pulmonary thrombosis( or in the lungs)

How much will my neck lift cost?

A neck lift will cost $6,000- $8,000, depending on individual factors that need to be taken into consideration. This procedure is based on your anatomy, and so the procedure will be designed specifically for you.

This fee does not include the Hospital or the Anaesthetic Fee.

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