Aesthetic Body Surgery


Why consider liposuction ?

You may be someone who is not particularly overweight, and you exercise regularly, but you feel that you have a few stubborn areas or fatty deposits, which are bothering you and you would like to see if there is anything that can be done about them. You may also have tried some medical devices in the hope that these areas would decrease in size, but you have not been entirely satisfied with the outcome. Alternatively, you may be someone who has had lifestyle changes, or hormonal changes and you wish to address a couple of areas which are starting to bother you, for example your abdomen, flanks, thighs, or arms. You might be a man, who wishes to have more definition to the jaw and mandible, for a more masculine and chiseled look.

What is liposuction ?

Liposuction is the mechanical permanent removal of fat by suction. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed worldwide. Dr Wetton regularly attends masterclasses and workshops in liposuction. She has trained in most of the known liposuction techniques, including the Klein Technique(tumescent liposuction), VASER liposuction (Vibration Amplification of Sound at Resonance) and Power Assisted Liposuction(PAL). Whatever the liposuction technique utilised, Dr Wetton aims for a smooth contour, an uneventful and pleasant recovery and aesthetically pleasing results for both men and women.

Of course liposuction aesthetics for women are different to men. Women usually require gentle curves and smooth contours, while men often request more definition and more angular shapes. Dr Wetton can use her eye for aesthetics and acquired technical skills to create the aesthetic result that you desire.

How is liposuction performed ?

Liposuction is a procedure which should usually be permanent as fat cells are being permanently removed. Once we hit adult life, we have all the fat cells that are needed in our body to survive. If we gain more weight, these fat cells hypertrophy, that is, they get bigger – if we become obese then these fat cells can multiply.

When you lose weight for example, through diet and exercise these fat cells don’t disappear, they remain in your body, but they shrink. They are lying ready and waiting for when you eat a little more, and then they will expand again fairly quickly. What liposuction does is, it permanently removes fat cells. So that if you eat a little more, there are actually less fat cells present to expand. This is the reason why liposuction is said to be a permanent solution for localised fatty deposits throughout the body. Of course we cannot take all the fat that is there, in fact skill is required to determine which fat should remain and which fat should be removed. The amount and shape of the fat that is left behind is much more important than the amount of fat that is removed.

The tissues are first filled with an anaesthetic solution and small 1-2 cm cuts are strategically placed in the skin and a thin metal tube(cannula) is used to suck the fat cells out from under your skin. If VASER liposuction is employed, the fat is first melted and if PAL is employed the cannula tip has various moving pieces.

Liposuction can be performed as a single stand-alone procedure, such as in the submental neck area, the abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, arms, axilla, or it can be combined with other procedures such as an abdominoplasty, a facelift or breast surgery.

What is abdominal Etching ?

Abdominal etching is a procedure designed to make the chest and abdomen look more defined. In other words, to look like you have spent a great deal of time in the gym and you have developed a defined muscular physique. In this procedure, not only is an overall fat layer removed, which does reveal your natural underlying musculature, fat is selectively left above muscle, to give an illusion of larger even more defined and protruding muscles. In effect, this is like a selective liposuction procedure to help create the illusion of a ‘six-pack’ or an ‘eight-pack‘ abdomen.

It is important to express to Dr Wetton at the outset, what level of definition you are aiming for, so that she can do her best to create the ‘look’ that you desire. It is important not to gain too much weight after this procedure so you do need to keep an eye on your lifestyle factors, because if you do gain a lot of weight, your fat distribution may not be the same and look irregular.

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Which anatomical areas are appropriate for liposuction ?

  • Lump at the back of your neck known as a ‘Dowagers hump’
  • Cheeks and neck area commonly called ‘jowls’
  • Submental area known as a ‘Double Chin’ This procedure can give more definition to the jaw bone and is popular in males
  • Axillary area referred to as the ‘ armpit area, or side boob’
  • Chest in men this is often accompanied by Gynacomastia surgery, in women this is known as the ‘bra strap’ area.
  • Arms
  • Flanks commonly called the ‘love handles’
  • Abdominal area
  • Hips
  • Outer thighs
  • Inner thighs
  • Pubic mound
  • Knees
  • calves
  • Ankles


Your surgery will be performed in a licensed accredited Day Hospital. When you wake up from your procedure, you will feel a bit uncomfortable, but you should not be in a great deal of pain, because Dr Wetton uses an anaesthetic solution which she puts into the tissues. This helps to decrease the pain and to minimise bleeding. Straight after your surgery you will be swollen and you may be bruised, you will also have your support garment on. You will have little dressings on each of the tiny incisions. You should be able to get back to your normal daily activity and walk around, but do not do exercise, or over do it.

After one Week

Most of Dr Wetton’s patients only take pain killers for 48hrs after liposuction. After this time, you should just feel like you have had a big work out and you are not necessarily in any discomfort. After a week you will start to notice that a lot of the swelling has gone down, and you may already start to see things taking shape. You will still actually be very swollen though, so give it time. Dr Wetton will take out the tiny stitch in each incision and you will be taught how to best care for the small scars.

Weeks to Months down the track

After about 6 weeks you can get back to more vigorous exercise, but it important to take it easy and listen to your body. You will be well aware of the positive difference a few weeks after your surgery, but it can take up to 12 months for all of the residual swelling to disappear.

Complications include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Seroma(collection of fluid under the skin)
  • Haematoma(collection of blood under the skin)
  • Contour irregularity
  • Poor scaring
  • Damage to underlying structures
  • Too much fat removal or not enough fat removal

How much will my liposuction cost ?

Your price for liposuction surgery will vary according to how many areas you would like treated and how much fat is present in those areas. The price will range from $2,200- $6,600.

For this reason it is recommended to book a consultation and receive a personalised quote.

Th fees above do not include the Hospital or the Anaesthetic Fee.

For a personalised Quote, Please book your Consultation Here

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